Friday, October 10, 2014

TASK #32

August 5th--August 12th


A man is as young as the woman he feels...  Unknown

I had sex on a beach one time. Not a beach in the south of France, or in Hawaii, but on the shores of Lake Erie. It was a beach in name only--there was little sand and a lot of stones--it had the consistency of asphalt.

After I had sex on this "beach" I had gravel in my ass crack and scratches on my knees and elbows--and testicles--and somehow I scraped my nose.

But it was fantastic.

Sex is almost always good. And when it's not good it's better than no sex. Even when you require first aid.


You're going to try to have sex this week. Simple, but there are rules:

1) You can't coerce someone to have sex with you. Meaning: you can't force them. Meaning, it has to be consensual--you have to have the other person's permission. If you engage in a sexual act without another person's consent it is considered to be sexual assault or rape. Sexual assault and rape are crimes. Horrible crimes.
2) You both have to be of legal age to have sex.
3) You must not deviate from rules one and two.

So if you're of age, and have permission from your partner, then enjoy. You deserve it. If there is no one in your life with whom you can have sex, then go back to the TASK #17.  

Questions? Comments? Do you want to share your story? E-mail me at

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