Friday, October 10, 2014


January 8th--14th

It's Your Body, Dude

What an ugly beast is the ape, and how like us. Cicero (106--43B.C)

To see yourself as you are, you must see yourself as you really are.

There's nothing worse than looking at yourself naked in a mirror. Nothing. I'd like to think that's true for all men, but I have seen guys who clearly aren't ashamed of their birthday suits, the guys who walk around naked in the gym locker room. Because if you dare to strut around naked in a men's locker room, you are a confident man. Personally, in those situations, I wear a towel. Or towels.

Remember, we only get one body. And we're stuck with it. There are adjustments that can be made, of course. Modern plastic surgery can turn a flabby-assed beer swinging couch pilot into Brad Pitt with two hours of out-patient surgery. Well, maybe not Brad Pitt, but you get the picture. Most men, however, don't go the surgery route; it requires, after all, a trip to the doctor's office--and what man likes to go to a doctor's office?


The task this week is to look at yourself--really look at yourself--and catalogue what's good, and what's not so good. Find a mirror. A floor-to-ceiling mirror if possible. Strip off your clothes. Inspect yourself. Carefully. List the good, the bad and the ugly. Spare no criticism.

As an example, I will share a portion of my list:

Tall. Over six feet. Posture of a marine. Chin sticks out in a strong, but not arrogant manner. Decent nose, lips. Solid shoulders.

Paunchy stomach. Hair on shoulders. Smallish dick. Protruding knees.

Pock-marked ass. Love handles.

Make your own list. Laugh or cry accordingly.

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