Friday, October 10, 2014

TASK #48

November 27th--December 4th

You Look Marvelous

I never get tired of hearing compliments.  John Lithgow

Man, it's easy to criticize. Easy. You can fall into criticism like you fall into a soft bed. It's low hanging fruit. 

Some people never find nothing good about nothing. And they are quick to point it out. 

I'm no better than anyone. I criticize everyone in my life, everyone at work, and anyone I run into that is slow, inefficient or, in my opinion, stupid. It's my worst quality. Plus, I'm smart enough to be really good at it--criticizing that is. So I'm good at it, and that makes me a prick. 

And I was called out on it. I mean my friends and others would tell me that I was being a dick and that I should watch what I say. And more than a few people would tighten their fists and threaten to cold-cock me.

I didn't get it. Then one day I got it. How? Not because someone punched me or I caught myself being a jerk--it was because I saw someone else really rip a friend of mine. And suddenly, and with complete clarity, I realized who I was--and what I had become. 

So I'm trying to be less critical. I hold my tongue. I think before I speak. And I try to be empathetic. And once a week I pick out a person who is pissing me off for some reason and I compliment them. I find something to say that highlights their best quality, not their worst; or I talk about what they've done right, not wrong. 

And you know what? It's okay. 


Find the person. Find the reason. And find the compliment.

Here's a compliment: I'd like to hear from you.

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