Friday, October 10, 2014

TASK #43

October 23d--October 30th

Changing Closets

In Green Bay, Wisconsin, ten bowling shirts are considered a great wardrobe.  Greg Koch

Here's what your clothes say about you: EVERYTHING! It not only tells people who you are, it tells them what you are. Case in point? Here's a story: two men, friends. One worked in a funky record store. His wardrobe consisted of jeans, worn out Adidas, tee-shirts and jackets that he bought at the "used threads" boutique near the store. The other guy worked in a law office. His wardrobe was made up of dress pants, shirts with a collar, understated ties and shiny black shoes. Record Store Boy was a wise-ass, but complained that no one took him seriously. Law Office Boy was as serious as his job, but he complained that he never had any fun. 

So, one evening after listening to them bitch about their lives, I had a brainstorm: I suggested that they change closets. Record Store Boy would wear Law Office Boy's clothes to work for a week, and visa versa. After much haggling they agreed to give it a try. 

So Record Store Boy went to work in shiny shoes, dress pants and a shirt with a collar, and guess what? After the jeers of his lame co-workers faded away, Record Store Boy found that he was treated more seriously; and Law Office Boy worked for a week in clothes completely inappropriately for his office: i.e. jeans and a heavy metal tee-shirt. His bosses cringed, and so did Law office boy--at first. But by the end of the week he was laughing at himself. And that was a good thing. 


Look at yourself in the mirror before you leave the house this week. How are you dressed? What does it say about you?

Find a picture of a man wearing clothes you'd like to wear but you never had the guts or the circumstances to pull it off. It can be a model in a magazine, or a clothes horse like David Beckham--or it can be a picture of your Dad, or a good friend, or a politician, whatever. Then go buy yourself a set of clothes to match.Find the money or find the less expensive equivalent.  

Then see what happens. And write it down. 

You'll be surprised how a change of clothes can change your outlook.

Send me a photo of the "new" you. 

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