January 1st--January 8th
A good man is always a beginner. Martial (c. 40--c.104)
Please read:
1. This is a blog for men. All men. Fat men, short men, normal men, old men, young men, black, white and any other color man. It's for Christians, Jews, Muslims and Atheists, just as long as you check the box marked M. It's for bed wetters, ugly men and handsome men and the millions that fall somewhere in the middle. It's for cops and robbers, sinners and saints, beggars and millionaires. Hairy men and bald men. It's for men.
2. There is but one rule. You have to tell yourself the truth.
3. I suggest you start a diary or journal to record the tasks that you complete. You don't have to share it with anyone else. As a matter of fact, I recommend that you never show anyone what you write, or paint, or draw in conjection with this process. If you decide to hide your diary or journal, don't forget where you put it because you should read it as often as possible. And don't be afraid to return to a task and re-do it as often as your life changes, or you change. And someday you may want to share it with your son, or your wife, but only if you really want to.
4. Should you like to share your experience, send me an e-mail. Joedoebula@gmail.com. I, in turn, will share the best e-mails with other men.
5. Don't ask me questions. Ask yourself questions.
6. Don't skip a task.
Buy a notebook, a journal, or steno pad. Open your mind.
Good Luck. Joe.
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